Joy Meachum: Joy Meachum is the daughter of Harold Meachum, who, together with her brother Ward, spent her life building Rand Enterprises to its current position. However, upon Danny Rand’s return, the Meachum siblings saw their work put in jeopardy as Rand planned to claim his birthright within the company.
Having experienced the loss of her father again alongside the betrayal of her brother, she aligns herself with Davos in an effort to seek revenge while starting anew and independence from Rand Enterprises. With the Iron Fist removed from Rand, she quickly regrets the partnership with Davos and sought the aid of Mary Walker for protection.

Partnering with her uncle Ward Meachum, she tried for years to avenge her father and kill Iron Fist. They teamed up with Steel Serpent who would work for them as long as he could get revenge on Iron Fist. They watched the battle between Iron Fist and Radion on television, hoping he would survive so they could get their revenge. Joy asked Davos to investigate her uncle Ward, he complied as he agreed to work for them until he killed Danny Rand.
During a meeting with Joy, Daniel Rand and his lawyer to discuss the return of his father’s shares of the Meachum company, they were attacked by local crime boss Chaka Kahn When Rand changed into his identity of Iron Fist, she was brought to safety by Steel Serpent, who defied her orders to attack Iron Fist. Davos confronted Ward threatening him to quit and disappear and leave the running of the company to Joy. He told her that his debt was paid in full and it was now time for his revenge.
Joy Meachum Actress
Joy Meachum was the daughter of Harold Meachum. She was a brilliant businesswoman and was tapped to take over Rand Meachum, Inc. one day. After her father had been murdered by the Ninja, she found Iron Fist next to his corpse, naturally blaming him for her father’s death.
Partnering with her uncle Ward Meachum, she tried for years to avenge her father and kill Iron Fist. They teamed up with Steel Serpent who would work for them as long as he could get revenge on Iron Fist. They watched the battle between Iron Fist and Radion on television, hoping he would survive so they could get their revenge. Joy asked Davos to investigate her uncle Ward, he complied as he agreed to work for them until he killed Danny Rand.
During a meeting with Joy, Daniel Rand, and his lawyer to discuss the return of his father’s shares of the Meachum company, they were attacked by local crime boss Chaka Kahn. When Rand changed into his identity of Iron Fist, she was brought to safety by Steel Serpent, who defied her orders to attack Iron Fist. Davos confronted Ward threatening him to quit and disappear and leave the running of the company to Joy. He told her that his debt was paid in full and it was now time for his revenge.
Boss Morgan and his goons took Joy hostage, as Rand Meachum, Inc. was apparently cutting into his turf. Iron Fist saves an ungrateful Joy from Morgan and his goons. After he defeats Morgan’s men, Joy offers Morgan millions of dollars to shoot Iron Fist. Morgan, not wanting to be around when the ambulances arrive leaves Joy to deal with her own revenge. Iron Fist, maintaining his innocence in the murder of Joy’s father, told her to go ahead and kill him. Joy couldn’t and the two decide to end their rivalry. Later Danny relinquishes control of his share of Rand Meachum, Inc to her until such a time that he believes he’s earned the wealth from the company.
Joy hired the Heroes for Hire to transport a new computer circuit from New York City to Chicago. However, along the way the duo got into trouble and lost the chip, losing the company millions. But luckily they were insured for the high-risk journey.
Joy Meachum gave Danny a tour of a Rand Meachum plant. He noticed that some of the weapons being made at the plant were the same type that the men who stole the Power Gem of Quon were using and becomes curious if somehow the Meachum’s are involved. When Ward spots Danny in the plant, be begins to panic, however, his mysterious employer telepathically orders him to calm himself. When Danny expresses an interest in the weapons, Joy gives him one to check out.
What happened joy, Meachum?
Then Harold was diagnosed with terminal cancer and he didn’t have long to live. For three years he suffered from illness and Joy visited him every day. Joy turned him over in bed to stop him getting bed sores and sang him “Crazy In Love” however eventually, her father died from cancer.
Is Joy Danny Rand’s sister?
Joy Meachum. Joy Meachum is the daughter of Harold Meachum, sister of Ward and the former childhood friend of Danny Rand. She used to run Rand Enterprises but left to start her own company.
Does joy find out about Harold?
Iron Fist Joy Meachum
Danny Rand / Iron Fist
Danny Rand / Iron Fist (portrayed by Finn Jones) is a billionaire Buddhist monk and martial artist proficient in kung-fu, with the ability to call upon the mystical power of the Iron Fist.
Jones described the character as “someone struggling to find his identity”, and identified with the character’s loneliness being an orphan like Rand. He noted that “Danny gets really stressed and really pissed off sometimes, and I understand that … [his] optimism and where that comes from.” In preparation for the role, jones studied kung fu, wushu, and tai chi, along with weight training, Buddhist philosophy, and meditation. Toby Nichols portrays a young Danny Rand.
Colleen Wing
Colleen Wing (portrayed by Jessica Henwick), a bushido master, is sensei of Chikara Dojo in New York City and is integral to Daniel Rand’s reintegration into society, foiling an attempt by Ward Meacham to have Rand indefinitely committed to Birch Psychiatric Hospital.
Henwick felt the most defining word for Wing was “alone”, saying, “She doesn’t want to be anyone’s love interest and open herself up in that way.” Henwick also tried “to pull out that sort of very dry humor that [Wing] has, and that no-bullshit New Yorker demeanor” from the comics version in her portrayal.
Ward Meachum
Ward Meachum (portrayed by Tom Pelphrey) is the son of Harold and childhood acquaintance of Rand, whose work building up Rand Enterprises with his sister Joy is threatened to be undone with Rand’s return.
As Pelphrey noted, “we’re not necessarily beholden to representing him [in the series] exactly as he appears in the comic book.” Stroup said that Ward would experience some “male angst” on Rand’s return, because “Ward would have been the one who picked on [Rand] when he was little so as pure and innocent and great as Iron Fist is, he comes in and he causes some problems” there.
Joy Meachum Iron Fist
Ward Meachum is the brother of Harold Meachum, the CEO of Rand-Meachum Inc. After Iron Fist was blamed for the death of Harold (who was killed by a ninja sent by Master Khan), Ward and his niece, Joy Meachum, hired villains to kill him.
Ward first hired Steel Serpent to get revenge on Iron Fist. Due to Ward’s own criminal connections, Steel Serpent stated that he couldn’t work for him. After beating up Ward’s bodyguards and leaving Ward alive, Steel Serpent explained that his debt to Joy had been paid and that he would take revenge on Iron Fist by himself.
Ward then began to collaborate with Master Khan. Master Khan sent his minion, Ferocia, to help Ward. Afterward, Ward enlisted Shades and Comanche, giving Shades a laser-shooting visor and Comanche a set of trick arrows to take down Power Man and Iron Fist. Upon obtaining the Power Gem of Quon, Ward and his men placed the Power Gem on a pedestal, using it to bring Master Khan back to Master Khan then told Ward about the Power Gem of Quon’s ability to take away Shou-Lao’s powers from Iron Fist, which would give Khan’s dragons the power to kill Iron Fist. Master Khan was forced to fight Iron Fist when the Heroes for Hire attack.
Iron Fist was able to destroy the Power Gem of Quon to send Master Khan back to K’un-L’un, and Ward and his men were arrested after the battle.
After Joy learned the truth about what happened to her father, Ward Meachum collaborated with Super-Skrull to take over Earth in exchange for Ward winning the hand of the “most beautiful woman in the galaxy”. Ward was informed by an Oracle Inc. worker and Phoebe Marrs that Super-Skrull’s offer would be horrible to Ward. Due to the paranoia, he developed from Phoebe’s warning, Ward turned against the Skrulls by sabotaging the machine. This resulted in Super-Skrull using his pyrokinesis to kill Ward.
Joy Meachum Comics
After the events of the one-shot miniseries, The Defenders — a crossover event between Iron Fist and Netflix’s other Marvel Cinematic Universe series Jessica Jones, Daredevil, and Luke Cage — Danny has pledged to defend New York in Daredevil’s absence. He’s mostly focused on Chinatown, where the master martial artist and former member of the Hand Colleen Wing (Jessica Henwick) have turned her dojo into a cozy apartment for her and Danny.
The Hand’s destruction in The Defenders has left a power vacuum in the neighborhood, and other crime syndicates are violently trying to fill it. Watching Danny play the great white hope negotiating with Asian crime bosses is painful both because it reinforces his white savior role and because of Danny’s general childish incompetence.
Colleen’s efforts to turn her mentorship skills from recruiting for the Hand to rehabilitating a group of young gang members lack the racial problems of the Danny plot, but it feels like a side story from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which parodies the Hand through the evil ninja of the Foot. It’s admittedly pretty entertaining to watch teens fighting with bike chains, but it’s hard to take Colleen’s chats about getting their lives on track too seriously.
The struggle to bring peace between warring criminal organizations worked better in Luke Cage season 2, when the groups had powerful charismatic leaders, and they weren’t just being used as excuses for fights involving knives and hatchets.
Fortunately for the series’s momentum, that plot quickly takes a back seat to a much bigger threat in the form of Davos and Joy punishing Danny by stripping him of his Iron Fist power through a mystic ritual. Danny remains fairly oblivious to their scheming until it’s too late, leading to a hilariously awkward scene where he invites them over for a housewarming dinner party. (Since Danny would likely know that Davos’ moral code involves not drinking alcohol or eating meat, isn’t he the real villain here since he’s serving Davos spaghetti with meatballs and red wine?)
That aside, the dinner is part of a sitcom-style plot to get Joy and her brother Ward (Tom Pelphrey) to reconcile after he spent years keeping Joy from knowing their father was actually alive. By trying to be everyone’s friend, Danny reinforces why so many of the show’s characters and viewers hate him. He desperately wants to be loved, but his efforts to help other people are often poorly thought-out and prone to backfiring.
Joy Meachum Season 2
At the end of season 1 of Netflix’s Marvel series Iron Fist, Rand Enterprises partner Joy Meachum (Jessica Stroup) and master martial artist Davos (Sacha Dhawan) sit down to talk about the superhero Iron Fist, aka their mutual acquaintance Danny Rand. Danny (played by Finn Jones) views both characters as his siblings. Joy is the childhood friend from New York who he desperately wanted to reconnect with when he returned home after spending a decade training in the mythical city of K’un-Lun.
Davos is the surrogate brother who gave him his fondest memories during his otherwise harrowing time being forged into a fighting machine by abusive monks. Despite those deep connections, Danny has left both characters bereft. He’s partially responsible for the death of Joy’s father and the destruction of the city he and Davos swore to protect. While they have little else in common, Davos and Joy foreshadow the central conflict of the second season by coming together to discuss the fact that their lives would be a lot better without Danny in them.
Raven Metzner, who took over as showrunner following Iron Fist’s widely panned season 1, seems to be on their side. The first six episodes of season 2 aim to turn the series around by stripping Danny of his resources and emphasizing the show’s supporting cast. Iron Fist is still a mess of comic book and kung fu clichés, but the later episodes of the second season show its potential to actually tell a good story.